Munich – Großmarkt – Wholesale Market
-> East

Meet the Moon
when she is
precisely Full or Black.

There is something lying on the roof in front of you. If it’s still there after the full cycle then turn it around an take it with you.
So, after your next meeting with the black moon you should come here and check this.

A morning at Munich Großmarkt. You hear Salsa Music in the background – and the hum of the trucks.
I’m wainting for the moon, in front of the sun.
On the floor I see a golden pendant. I take it – on the other side is written New York. This is where I have been, 10 days ago ……
If it will still be there in the end of this moon cycle – I’ll take it with me.
So, next black moon I’ll be ehere again.

The nice thing is: you can see our actual special constellation of Jupiter and Venus in this new moon picture – though they were not there for sure, there in the morning.